I'm interested

You’re from here, right?

Yes, I have fond memories of growing up in the neighboring spa village of Velké Losiny, just a stone’s throw away. As a kid, I used to play football here, and it always felt special – we called it the “L derby,” Losiny versus Loučná, akin to the famous “S” derby in Prague.

So is does the Rejhotice Valley project hold a special place in your heart?

I have strong historical and emotional ties to this area, and the decision to embark on a real estate project here felt like a natural fit. At Salutem, we were eager to extend this opportunity to others. Some people may argue that the Jeseníky Mountains are relatively distant from major cities like Prague and Brno. However, I believe it’s precisely this distance that sets them apart. When I consider mountain destinations, I find myself consistently choosing the Jeseníky Mountains over the Giant Mountains. While the Alps are undoubtedly impressive, the Jeseníky Mountains hold a unique charm for me. The region’s appeal lies in its smaller, harmonious projects that seamlessly blend with the original buildings, nature, and landscape. Being a parent, like many Czechs, my family and I adore mountain getaways. The Jeseníky Mountains offer a special allure, allowing us to enjoy nature and the surroundings in a more intimate and authentic setting.

Why did you choose the former Ulrich Bleach Factory and this particular villa for reconstruction?

I am a firm advocate of revitalizing and reconstructing existing buildings. In the Czech mountains, people seek more than just modern structures; they crave buildings with a soul that resonate with history, local culture, and the natural mountain landscape. The Desná valley presents a unique opportunity, owing to its industrial development in the 19th century. Today, we have the chance to reclaim a part of this mountain village and create tasteful housing alongside essential services, all while repurposing disused factories. I am convinced that this project will be a boon to the village, fostering suburbanization and attracting new residents to the picturesque Rejhotice valley. Our vision extends beyond construction; we aim to forge a connection between the upper and lower parts of Loučná nad Desnou. By blending modern comforts with the authentic charm of the area, we hope to provide a compelling incentive for individuals to settle in and become an integral part of this vibrant community.

Where do you think Loučná will be in the next ten years in terms of the project?

Loučná is experiencing rapid development, transforming into a year-round tourism hub with an array of enticing attractions beyond its renowned ski slopes. The potential for growth here is vast. In just a few minutes, you can access the majestic mountain ridges, while downstream lies the Velké Losiny spa, complete with an aquapark. The Dlouhé Stráně hydroelectric power station, a prominent destination in the Jeseníky Mountains, attracts numerous visitors. Loučná, Velké Losiny, and Sobotín boast magnificent castles set amidst beautiful parks, and the area is witnessing a steady rise in high-quality restaurants. With a wealth of attractions and activities within a few kilometers, families can savor a fulfilling life here, embracing all that the surrounding region has to offer. The investment opportunity offered by Salutem Fund in the Rejhotice Valley is truly unparalleled.

Why should people invest in living in the Jeseníky Mountains and not, for example, in technology stocks?

An essential aspect of our project lies in the inherent opportunity to invest in your own home—a chance to create a dwelling in harmony with nature, breathing in the fresh air, and preserving lasting value for your children, not just financially. This personal connection with your property is what I’ve always appreciated about real estate investments. It offers something tangible and immediate, providing a sense of security and ownership. Moreover, the uniqueness of the Jeseníky Mountains as a protected landscape area ensures that Loučná will retain its natural charm, avoiding any risk of becoming an artificial “Disneyland.” Our project, although sizable, is thoughtfully designed to respect the character of the mountain village. It aims to rejuvenate the area by transforming its less tasteful industrial and dilapidated heritage into a harmonious integration with the landscape. As a result, I am confident that demand for our project will steadily increase over time. In summary, our venture offers an exceptional opportunity to create a home amidst the serenity of nature, fostering a legacy for generations to come. It also aligns perfectly with the authentic and preserved essence of the Jeseníky Mountains, securing a sustainable and attractive investment.

We often hear that developers come, build, and leave without any regard for the future of the area. What would you say to them?

I would be remiss as a businessman to pursue such a path. The Czech Republic may be small, but my image would follow me everywhere. Moreover, engaging in such practices in my own home area would be purely illogical. Sustainability and ecology form an integral part of our philosophy, and we are committed to aligning our projects with the aspirations of the local population. To achieve this, we work hand in hand with the local government, forging close partnerships. Our plans include the restoration of a small hydropower plant and other environmentally conscious initiatives.

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